The Lord’s Move to Asia (March 2012)
International Blending Conference in Cambodia
The 2012 International Blending Conference in Cambodia was held in Phnom Penh from Feb 3rd to 5th. The total number of attendees was seven hundred and thirty, including about one hundred and eighty foreign guests from nine countries. The general subject of the conference was “The Crucial Elements of the Bible—Christ, the Spirit, Life, and the Church”. After each message, the Cambodian saints as well as saints from overseas responded fervently to the speakings. And after the Lord’s Table meeting, brothers in a blended way shared on the meaning of the Lord’s Table, which was a good perfecting for the new ones in Cambodia.
In the Lord’s Table meeting, as prayers were offered in several languages, such as Khmer, Thai, Malay, Vietnamese, Tagalog, Chinese, Korean, and English, all the saints enjoyed the reality of the one Body. This glorious meeting touched the Cambodian saints very much.
This conference was the sixth blending conference since 2007. Each time we experienced the Lord pouring out His blessings upon us, and there has been a constant increase in the number of attendees, from one hundred and fifty in 2007 to seven hundred and thirty this year. Especially in the conference this year, we could see that more and more Asian countries are picking up a burden for Cambodia by praying, giving, and even migrating. This shows that the work and move of the Lord here in Cambodia is carried out not by individuals or by one country, but by the blending of the Body in sweet coordination. As of now, several saints from overseas and ten local full-timers are laboring together. We are truly thankful to the Lord that the Lord’s recovery is now moving forward in, by, and for the Body.
Our goal is to have at least one church as the testimony of Jesus in each province within the next ten years, thus increasing the number of churches to twenty-four. To reach this goal, we need to raise up three new churches each year. And for this, we translate ministry books, conduct the trainings for responsible brothers, send college graduates to the full-time training, and plan to have gospel propagations. Regarding the literature work, we are translating, editing, and printing The Holy Word for Morning Revival, translating and editing new hymns, and translating the ninety-six lessons of A Pattern of the Healthy Word as the material for the responsible brothers’ training.
The Literature Work
Since November 2011, we have translated eight books, such as “The Genuine Ground of Oneness” and four titles of The Holy Word for Morning Revival. Please pray for the publishing of the ministry books here.
A Testimony
One brother named Kevi, who came into the church life in Kathmandu from a denomination three years ago through home meetings, has been burdened by the Lord to lead people to the recovery. He labors to contact people day by day, and brought one brother meeting in a denomination into the church life three month ago. After attending several meetings, this brother shared with his pastor what he had enjoyed and realized. This pastor was very much impressed with his sharing and started to attend our meetings to know more about us. Since then, he hasn’t missed any meeting and eventually his wife and two children also came. Brother Kevi has also led another brother who was in the same denomination with him and two other backslidden ones into the church life. These dear ones and Kevi all have to commute from Baktapur district, one and a half hours from Kathmandu, to come to the meetings. We are praying for the raising up of churches in Baktapur district as well.
In February we had opportunities to have blendings with brothers from Korea and with brothers from Japan, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Through such blendings we experienced all the more the oneness of the Body. During the blendings we fellowshipped on “The Focus of the Lord’s Recovery”, and through the mutual fellowship there were the shining of the truths, the supply of life, and the mutual nourishment. We saw from the messages that the church is a golden lampstand shining forth the corporate expression of the Triune God and is the testimony of Jesus. The focus of the Lord’s recovery is not outward activities, meetings, or doings, but the corporate expression of the Triune God. For this, we desperately need to receive the dispensing of the Triune God normally, gradually, and steadfastly; we also need to live in our mingled spirit in order to be under the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity. Praise the Lord for coming as light and grace to us!
Sri Lanka
One-month Propagation in Jaffna
From January 19th to February 19th, 2012, there was a one-month propagation in Jaffna, the capital of Northern Province, Sri Lanka. The city was previously Sri Lanka’s second most populated city after the commercial capital, Colombo. However, a civil war broke out in the 1980s with insurgent uprising, military occupation, and extensive damage, which resulted in depopulation. But praise the Lord that the civil war came to an end in 2009, and this war-stricken land is now open to the gospel and for the Lord to establish His kingdom!
Ten local saints and twenty-four saints from several Asian countries gathered in Jaffna for the propagation. They might have been the first group of saints from outside of Jaffna to come and preach the gospel since the end of the civil war. Saints who joined the propagation testified that they really enjoyed the corporate living and the sweet coordination in the Body. The local saints were very much encouraged by the overseas saints who paid the price to join the propagation. Many saints from India could speak the local language, Tamil, and helped the other saints to communicate with the local people. Through much prayer and pursuing of the Word, the saints were filled with the Spirit and preached the gospel in oneness. It was a wonderful testimony to the new believers from a war-torn region.
The Lord Answering Their Fasting and Prayers
During the first week of the propagation, the saints came to realize the condition of the people in the city—after 30 years of civil war, destructions and deaths, people’s hearts were not very open. When the saints knocked on doors, people were hesitant to receive strangers. A thirteen-year-old girl who lost her parents asked the saints where God was when things happened. In spite of the situation, the saints were not disheartened. Rather, they fellowshipped and entered into fasting and prayer to fight for the turn of people’s hearts. Saints from Sri Lanka, India and Taiwan also prayed for a breakthrough in the situation. Ten families in the church in Chennai, India, also fasted and prayed in one accord with the saints propagating in Jaffna.
After much prayer, the Lord gradually turned the situation. Saints started to gain some contacts and people began to turn to the Lord and receive Him as their Savior. Toward the end of the one-month propagation, seventy were saved and eight were baptized, among which five families were raised up for the Lord’s testimony in this city.
Moving Testimonies
The saints prayed that the gospel of the kingdom would be preached to the gentiles. One day while the saints were walking on the street, they met a Hindu who asked them what they were doing there. After the saints explained to him that they were preaching the gospel, this Hindu said, “Preach to me.” This Hindu then accepted the gospel and in that same evening got baptized into the kingdom of God. The day after his baptism, he preached the gospel to five of his colleagues. Later on the saints came to know that this brother had lost everything during the civil war as his business collapsed. He even wanted to commit suicide. But now he is very joyful with a shining face.
The saints also shared on God’s economy to a Christian group. The Lord prepared one young brother who had a Catholic background, and he came to this gathering. After the meeting, this new one came to the saints and said that this was the first time he heard about God’s economy, and he wanted to meet with us. From then on he came regularly and the saints shepherded him. He is now solidly in the church life.
The saints who have been laboring in Sri Lanka testified that the northern part of Sri Lanka is still very much a virgin land for the gospel. While people initially are not very open, gradually they would turn, and these people indeed need the gospel and to experience the love of God.
New Lampstand
At the end of the one-month propagation, a blending conference was held on February 18th and 19th. One hundred and fifty saints, including eighteen local Jaffna saints, some gospel contacts and thirty-nine overseas saints from five countries, participated. On February 19th, the Lord’s testimony was raised up in Jaffna. We need to pray for the new ones, for the establishment of the church life in Jaffna, and for the gospel contacts contacted during the propagation month.