Prayer Burdens & Weekly Pursuit – Week 1 of January
Prayer Burdens:
Pray for the saints to love the Lord and His word more, long for spiritual growth, practice morning revival every morning, maintain fellowship with the Lord daily through spiritual exercises, and pursue the Life-studies for 15 minutes every evening.
Pray for the furtherance of the campus work in Phnom Penh to bring in longing seekers of the Lord’s word.
Pray for the saints to be perfected in the God-ordained way and be strengthened in gospel preaching, so that they can come, pray together, and go out to visit people weekly.
Pray for gaining more educated university students through gospel preaching; may the Lord soften their hearts and remove the veils so that they can recognize Jesus as God.
Sri Lanka
Pray for the church in Colombo that the saints can have the burden to join the gospel preaching on Saturday afternoon to build up the habit of begetting and nourishing
Pray for the door of the gospel to be opened on campus and for the gaining of high-quality students, that the saints can bear six remaining fruit in the new year.
Weekly Pursuit:
Gal. 4:19 “My children, with whom I travail again in birth until Christ is formed in you.”
Christ was born into the Galatian believers, but not formed in them when they were regenerated through Paul’s preaching the gospel to them the first time. The apostle then travailed again that Christ might be formed in them. His preaching was to bring forth Christ, the Son of the living God, in the believers. Paul’s preaching was emphatically Christ-centered. According to the book of Galatians, Christ has been revealed in us, He is now living in us, and He will be formed in us. To have Christ formed in us is to have Christ grown in us in full. First Christ was born into us at our conversion, now He lives in us in our Christian life, and He will be formed in us at our maturity.
Paul’s word about Christ being formed in us implies that we are being constituted of Christ. To have Christ formed in us is a living, organic matter. Christ is now living in us so that we may be constituted of Him organically. He intends to constitute our being—our mind, emotion, and will—of Himself. He will constitute every part of our soul so that we may have His form, His image, in every part of our being. The word formed in Galatians 4:19 corresponds to the word image in 2 Corinthians 3:18, where Paul tells us that we are being transformed into Christ’s image. This image is a form. Christ must be formed in us so that we may express Him by being in His image. (The Conclusion of the New Testament, p. 590)