The Lord’s Move to Asia (June 2013)

Aug 15, 2013 by


We had three gospel moves in the country in the month of February. First of all, the saints visited a southwestern district called Satkhira from the 15th to the 17th and preached the gospel in four villages: Hatbash, Modopur, Shivanonda and Khaspur. We contacted around 200 people and 26 were baptized.

Then we went to Rajshahi in the northwest from the 19th to the 26th and preached the gospel to about 200 people in three villages: Pachbondor para, Gorangopur and Kochuakaji.

From the 23rd to the 27th, we went to Naogaon and Dinajpur in the north. Eleven brothers and sisters came from Korea to coordinate with us during this time. We preached the gospel in Ajulia, Mokondopur, Sonka, Gupalpur, Birnogor, Shironti, Nurpur and Majishohor to 300 people, and 10 were baptized.

Praise the Lord! During this period of propagation 4 local churches were raised up in Sonka, Gupalpur, Shironti and Birnogor. May the gospel continue to spread in Bangladesh. May the Lord’s word grow and prevail in every place.



Even though a church has been established in Lahore, the second largest city in Pakistan, we anxiously desire that the gospel would spread to the capital city, Islamabad. For this purpose, two families and two brothers took a four-and-a-half-hour bus ride from Lahore to Islamabad for a visit in the middle of May.

Islamabad is a modern city located in the Pothohar Plateau in the northeastern part of the country. The total area of this beautiful city is 906 square kilometers with 1,151,000 inhabitants. It is divided into five major districts; within each district there are about 100 streets. Both the districts and the streets within them are clean and arranged in an orderly fashion. This city is also the gathering place of the top students in the country since all the major universities of Pakistan are in Islamabad. May the Lord gain them.

We stayed in Islamabad for three days, and the main purpose of our trip was to find a rental house there. Thank the Lord. We were able to receive much information through a friendly Chinese and a local resident. They also helped us to visit some communities, parks and the major streets of the city. We also contacted some young people. They were all very friendly and especially open to Chinese people. Most of them can even speak some Chinese.

We also contacted a brother meeting in a denomination and were invited to his house. We had a good time there and had fellowship with his family. He told us there were seven to eight Christian colonies in Islamabad, in which the meetings were typically held in the homes due to political factors. This brother was also willing to help us receive admission into a university to learn Urdu. Then after three days of searching, we were able to find a suitable house.

We thank the Lord for all His preparations. May the Lord continue to bless His move in Pakistan.


Sri Lanka

Every “today” that we have is truly the Lord’s grace. Therefore, as long as we have today, as long as we still have breath, we should love the Lord and His appearing, await the Lord’s coming (Phil. 3:20), and always take His coming as an encouragement. (The Up-to-date Presentation of the God-ordained Way and the Signs concerning the Coming of Christ, p. 68)

The church in Kandy, located in central Sri Lanka, is currently getting into the Holy Word for Morning Revival of the crystallization-study of Daniel and Zechariah. The saints received much mercy and grace in the time of corporate morning revival and were all willing to spend two weeks reading through the book of Daniel. The brothers in Bangkok, Thailand, also encouraged the brothers and sisters in Kandy to create schedules for personal pursuit, church meetings, Bible reading and prayer in order to help them to continue steadfastly in all these practices.

A brother here was recently diagnosed with Leukemia and is now undergoing treatment for it. The saints had the burden to pray for him. So from May 15th to 22nd, six or seven brothers and sisters would gather together at 7:45 every morning for half an hour to pray for this brother. Through such a time of corporate prayer, the saints were all strengthened and revived, and became more eager to live a life of prayer. Then a brother suggested that we take another week to pray for the Lord’s move in Kandy, and specifically for the gospel friends, saints who have not been meeting, the young adults and brothers and sisters meeting in denominations. Praise the Lord for giving us a burden to pray! The crystallization-study of Daniel shows us that Daniel was a man of prayer with an excellent spirit. He received visions by seeking the Lord desperately in prayer and fasting. We need to take Daniel as our pattern and learn to have such prayers, for prayer is the lifeline of the Lord’s recovery.

The Lord’s Table Meeting in Kandy is also very sweet. About twenty saints attend the meeting every week, and all the English hymns would be translated into Sinhalese line by line. After the bread breaking meeting, all the saints would exercise to prophesy one by one. The saints also prepare love feasts together. After the meeting the saints would enjoy the love feast together and have fellowship with one another over meal.

Then after the meal, the saints would form small groups and get into the coming week’s portion of the Holy Word for Morning Revival, read the Bible, and share their recent experiences of the Lord within the groups. Such a sweet church life is just like what Hymn 1237 describes: “Splendid church life! His green garden! He has brought us, praise the Lord, to experience the Christ Who’s growing here! He is full of rich enjoyment to His saints in one accord; He is new and fresh, available and dear.”

Please pray:

  1. That the saints would receive a vision of the God-ordained way and practice the new way, especially the small groups.
  2. That for the Lord’s testimony in Sri Lanka, the young brothers and sisters would have companions to pursue the Lord together and be perfected in life and character.




The Spring Truth Training in Cong Hai (mid-south of Vietnam)

Moving together with the Lord’s recovery, the Lord-loving and truth-seeking saints around the south of the middle part of Vietnam gathered together for a training from February 13-15. The curriculums include “God’s Complete Salvation” (classes A & B) and “The Triune God” (class A). The saints had a deep impression of and highly appreciated the complete salvation that God had prepared for them: the Father predestinated and chose us in love, the Son came to die for us, and the Spirit sealed us and became a pledge for us. Praise the Lord! In this training, 120 saints came from the churches in Nha Trang, Cam Ranh, Phuoc Hau, Cam Thinh Tay, and Cong Hai. May the Lord bless the truth trainings here both in the spring and in the summer that the saints would grow up unto maturity and come to the full knowledge of the truth (1 Tim. 2:4).

The Spring Truth Training in Honai

Praise the Lord! Also from February 13-15, 193 saints from 18 local churches came together to enjoy the Lord’s word in Honai. The saints were divided into 7 classes: “God’s Complete Salvation” class A, “God’s Complete Salvation” class B, “The Triune God” class B, “The Holy Spirit with Our Spirit” class B, “The Knowledge and Experience of Life” class B, “The Church: Vision and Building” class B, and “The Bible” class B. This was also an opportunity for the saints from all over the country to come together for fellowship and blending to enjoy the Body life.



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