Weekly Pursuit – Week 5 of November
Rev. 12:11 “And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they loved not their soul-life even unto death.”
Whether or not you will be an overcomer depends upon you; it depends upon how much you share of God’s grace. We must look to the Lord that we may be enriched, strengthened, and become more solid so that we might grow from the woman into her stronger part. But no matter how strong you become, do not prematurely separate yourself from the woman. Stay in the woman as part of the man-child until the time of delivery has come.
If you would be part of the man-child, you must eat more, grow more, and become stronger. To put it into practical terms, you must pray more, spend more time with the Lord, eat more of the Word, experience the Lord more, grow in life more, and have more dealings with the negative things. If others would gossip, you would not gossip. If others would not pray, you would pray more. Although you should not be separate from the woman, you should be somewhat different from others. The woman is too general. Those who are part of the man-child are somewhat particular. You should not be indifferent. You must be particular, sober, and serious. You must have a good appetite and have a personal, direct, moment-by-moment dealing with the Lord. Whether or not you will be in the man-child depends upon how you react to God’s desire, God’s move, and God’s eternal economy. If, day and night, you cannot go on until you have given yourself wholly and thoroughly to God’s economy, then it is likely that you are a part of the man-child. (Life-study of Revelation, msg. 36)