Weekly Pursuit – Week 4 of July
Matt. 16:18 “And upon this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.”
The central and divine thought of the Scriptures is that God is seeking a divine building as the mingling of Himself with humanity. He is seeking a living composition of living persons redeemed by and mingled with Himself.
After His creation, God began and is still carrying out the work of the divine building. Even today God is doing the work of the divine building, which is to mingle Himself with man. We preach the gospel not merely to win souls or save souls from hell but to minister God Himself through the Spirit to man so that God can be mingled with man. In this way we gain the materials for the divine building. Likewise, we minister Christ to the saints so that they can be mingled and built up together with Christ. This is the basic and central thought behind what we do. The success of a ministry is in ministering Christ into people and helping them to mingle with Christ. This carries out the building, which is the divine mingling of God Himself with man.
To be mingled with God day by day is a deep, basic, and central matter. In every spiritual experience, God must be mingled with us as the divine building. It is not sufficient to be humble or to love and submit. There must be the divine building, which is the mingling of God within. The dwelling place of God is the mingling of God with man. This is also the building of the church. By the grace of God, may we more and more see the mingling of God with man as the real, divine building. (The Building of God, Chap. 1)