Weekly Pursuit – Week 3 of August
1 John 1:9 “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
The denotation of sin in the biblical sense is rebellion. This rebellion was invented, inaugurated, by Satan himself. The sin that was invented by Satan entered into mankind through Adam.
In the church life we all are tested concerning how pure we are in our motive, purpose, and activities. The church life will prove where we are, what we are, and who we are. Remember, we were born uncleanness, and we are a totality of uncleanness. It is impossible for one who is a totality of uncleanness to be absolutely pure in motive.
If we see [this], we shall realize how much we need God’s full salvation. We need Christ with His death and resurrection. We need Christ to be our burnt offering and our sin offering. As our burnt offering, Christ is our living. As our sin offering, Christ takes care of our sin, not the sin before we were saved but the sin that we still have after our salvation. Before we go to sleep at night, we should have a time of confession before the Lord, asking Him to forgive our sins and impurities. In particular, we need to ask the Lord to forgive any impurity in our motives. We should take Him once again as our sin offering and trespass offering and apply His precious, cleansing blood to our situation. Then with a purged conscience, a conscience cleansed by the blood and by the Spirit, we shall be able to sleep in peace. (Life-study of Leviticus, Chapter 39)