Weekly Pursuit – Week 2 of November
Eph. 1:22 “And He subjected all things under His feet and gave Him to be Head over all things to the church.”
The position of prayer is the position of ascension. All prayers in ascension are prayers of authority. In Isaiah 45:11, God says, “Command Me.” Sometimes this commanding is a direct command to God, and sometimes it is an indirect command to the environment.
If you really wish to have some worthwhile prayers before God, you need to be able to give out some authoritative commands before God. In the past years in some places, as we encountered some problems in the work or in the church, we prayed this kind of commanding prayer. We expressed ourselves boldly before God, saying, “God, we cannot allow this matter.” If your position is wrong and your condition is not in the heavenly realm, such prayer would be an insult to God. But if your position is right and your state is in the heavenly sphere, then such prayer would be a real pleasure to Him. The words you pray are equal to God’s administration; they are equivalent to executing His commands. God answers such prayers.
In summary, there is only one position for prayer—the heavenly sphere. Once you leave this sphere, you lose the position of prayer. Prayer is not only concerned with certain matters, but much more, it is concerned with a certain position. You need to be in the heavenly sphere. Then you have the position to pray, you are able to pray with authority, and you are one sitting on the throne, uttering forth prayers of the throne. (Lessons on Prayer, ch. 17)