Weekly Pursuit – Week 2 of August
Exo. 33:13 “Now therefore if I have found favor in Your sight, please let me know now Your ways, that I may know you, so that I may continue to find favor in Your sight. Consider also that this nation is Your people.”
What are the ways of God? The ways in which God deals with us are His ways. His ways entail what He wants to do. The ways of God are the choices He makes concerning us. After becoming Christians, we must learn to know the will of God and the work of God on the one hand, and we must learn to know the ways of God, the methods by which He deals with us on the other hand. A great trouble today among God’s children is that we want everything to revolve around us and everything to serve our interests. The greatest need among Christians today is to learn the lesson of knowing God’s ways and embracing them.
God’s holy Word shows us that we must know God and we must know His ways. We know God Himself through His revelation, and we know the ways of God by being willing to be dealt with and by submitting to Him. without an unveiling of God to man, we cannot accept God’s ways. We must first have revelation before we can accept God’s ways.
If we want to learn to walk before God, we will have no future unless we can learn to worship the ways of God—not just to worship God. Thus, all who know God must be brought to the point of saying, “I worship the ways of God. I worship the things that God has ordained for me. I worship the things God has done to me. I worship God for what He is pleased to do in me. I worship God for the things He strips from me.” We must worship God, and we also must accept the ways in which He deals with us. (Worshipping the Ways of God)