Prayer Burdens – Week 4 of July
1. Pray for the social situation in Bangladesh that the Lord would prepare a peaceful situation for His move and cover all the serving ones.
2. Pray for the gospel preaching and Serving Ones Training in Dinajpur and Chittagong.
1. Pray for the coming new term of FTTND in July that many more young people can be called to join the training to be perfected for His move.
2. Pray for the Lord’s move in Hubli, Karnataka, that the Lord can gain many sons of peace and seekers of the truth in this city that the testimony can be raised up by the end of August this year.
Papua New Guinea:
1. Pray for the strengthening of the testimony in Papua New Guinea that the Lord may raise up the church in Port Moresby as a golden lampstand and the saints could start the Lord’s Table.
2. Pray for the Lord to gain the seeking young people and remember the corporate living on every Saturday for the perfecting of the young people.