Prayer Burdens – Week 2 of September

Sep 13, 2016 by


Pray for the intensified propagation in Pakse from August 29 to September 27.



1. Pray for the new batch of the Nazarite Training which started on September 10.

2. Pray for the final editing of the Rhema books and the approval from the government for printing and publishing.

3. Pray for the newly baptized believers in Phan Thiet city to be shepherded and grow up for His testimony in this city.



1. Pray for the release of the word in the Blending Conference for the churches in Kerala from Sep. 11-14 that the Lord would blend the saints together and bring all the churches into one speaking and one flow.

2. Pray for the coming Video Training of the 2016 Summer Training that the Lord would speak to all the churches and that the saints can be gained to be the reality of the tabernacle and priesthood.

3. Pray for the shepherding of the new ones in the cities of Vadodara, Dindigul, Hubli and Warangal for the raising up of the lampstands in these places.

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