Prayer Burdens – Week 2 of August
Sri Lanka
1. Pray for more young people to be trained; for the 3 trainees in Indonesia to return to Sri Lanka soon and continue their full-time training in Colombo.
2. Pray for all the saints to be constituted with the truth through the pursuit of the book, A Pattern of the Healthy Words (96 Lessons), in order to preach the gospel, shepherd the new ones, and propagate His kingdom.
1. Pray for the saints who returned to their hometown during the lockdown to keep enjoying God’s word, able to face all the obstacles, maintain fellowship with the church, and be recovered to the normal church life soon.
2. Pray for the shepherding work that pillars can be perfected as good shepherds in each locality and for all the new families and weak ones under shepherding to see the vision and follow the way of Lord’s recovery firmly.
1. Pray for the atmosphere of the perfecting meeting on Friday to be strengthened and for the saints to be enlivened to invite their friends to participate in such meeting.
2. Pray for the online and one-on-one shepherding to be strengthened, so that all the saints can enter into the burden of shepherding and perfecting.