Prayer Burdens – Week 1 of May
Pray for the saints to be strengthened to participate in and enjoy the weekly Lord’s table meetings.
Pray for the propagation in Serei Saophoan, Banteay Srey and Ta Khmau; may the Lord establish His testimony in these three localities and set up the Lord’s table meetings this year.
Pray for more young working saints to receive the burden to serve the young people together.
Pray for the 100 churches to be guarded by the Lord and to bear more fruit.
Pray for the political and social situation to be stable and for the saints to be strengthened; may the Lord use the environment to cause people’s heart to turn to Him.
Pray for Rhema readers who are in the earthquake area and were contacted and helped by the saints; may the Lord separate the saints’ time to maintain the relationship between the saints and these readers, bringing them into the fellowship of the Body so that they can be saved and be released from the religion to pursue the eternal life.