Weekly Pursuit – Week 2 of January

Jan 11, 2016 by


Judg. 9:9 “But the olive tree said to them, Shall I leave my fatness, because of which God and men are honored by me, and go to wave over the trees?”

Judg. 9:13 “But the vine said to them, Shall I leave my new wine, which cheers God and men, and go to wave over the trees?”


John 15 and Romans 11 speak of the branches of two kinds of tress—a grape vine and an olive tree. A vine produces grapes for making wine, and an olive tree produces olives for making oil. In Luke 10 the good Samaritan poured oil and wine on the wounds of the dying one (vv. 33-34). Oil has the effect of soothing, and wine has the effect of invigorating, of stirring up. The Lord is the olive tree that produces soothing oil, and He is also the vine that produces invigorating wine.

Through all the generations many people have been inwardly wounded and have become depressed and disappointed. They need oil to soothe their wounds, and they need wine to stir them up. We are the branches of the vine and of the olive tree. We are the branches that produce soothing oil and invigorating wine. Oil and wine put together become a healing to people. We can produce the soothing oil and the stirring wine by abiding in the Lord, and we can abide in the Lord by pray-reading His Word. The more we pray-read, the more we will abide in the Lord, the more we will enjoy the Lord, and the more we will bear “olives” and “grapes” to produce oil to soothe others’ wounds and wine to stir people up. (The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1968, Vol. 1, Section 1, Chap. 9)

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