Weekly Pursuit – Week 5 of May
2 Cor. 3:5 “Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to account anything as from ourselves; but our sufficiency is from God.”
In our service to the Lord, we must have a definite experience and come to a clear point of being enlightened by the Lord to see that our service must be of God, not of ourselves…. When a service is initiated by us according to our opinion, often our enjoyment, preference, and boast are associated with it. When a certain matter is initiated by us, we enjoy and love it; moreover, we often feel that it is very good.
Negatively speaking, we often become upset when we encounter problems and difficulties in service or work that originates from us, especially when our service and work are ruined and overthrown. But when our service and work originate with the Lord, we can worship Him even when we encounter problems.
Those who are sent by the Lord are often quite patient. When a person is doing his own work, he will be anxious for success, but if he is doing the Lord’s work, he will not be anxious, because it is the Lord’s business. If we want to determine whether a person’s work is of God or of himself, we only need to see if he is anxious in the work. If a person’s work is according to God’s sending, the sent one will not be anxious, and there will not be many opinions. (Knowing Life and the Church, chap. 16)