Weekly Pursuit – Week 3 of July

Jul 18, 2016 by


Phil. 2:2 “Make my joy full, that you think the same thing, having the same love, joined in soul, thinking the one thing.”



The landmark that divides the Gospels and the Acts was not the baptism in the Holy Spirit. The landmark was the one accord of the one hundred twenty. If you want to experience the baptism in the Spirit, you must have the one accord. If you really want to practice the proper way to preach the gospel, you need the one accord. Without this key, no door can be opened. This is why Paul told Euodias and Syntyche that they needed this one accord (Phil. 4:2). Paul knew that these sisters loved the Lord, but that they had lost the one accord.


What we need is to recover this one accord. This matter starts from our spirit (1:27). For us to be in the same one spirit with the same one soul, one mind, and one will is to have the one accord, which is the key to all the New Testament blessings and bequests.


The book of Acts begins with the one accord and stresses the one accord. The early disciples could not have maintained or kept this one accord, however, if they had had different ways, means, agents, or substances for them to carry out the Lord’s move on this earth. If we read through the entire book of Acts, we can see that the way they took to carry out God’s move on this earth to fulfill His New Testament economy was entirely by three main substances—prayer, the Spirit, and the Word. Not only in Acts but also throughout the entire New Testament, prayer, the Spirit, and the Word were used for the carrying out of God’s economy. The substances which constitute the unique way for the Lord’s move are prayer and the Spirit, which result in the Word. (Elders Training, Book 7, pp.19-21)

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