Weekly Pursuit – Week 3 of August
Exo. 5:1 “Moses and Aaron came and said to Pharaoh, Thus says Jehovah the God of Israel, Let My people go that they may hold a feast to Me in the wilderness.”
In God’s demand placed on Pharaoh we see a perfect, complete salvation for His people. This salvation includes God’s rescuing His people from the usurping hand of Satan and bringing them into the wilderness in resurrection so that they can hold a feast unto Him and sacrifice to Him.
The best and highest relationship man can have with God is to feast unto God and with God. This feasting unto the Lord is dispensational worship; that is, God is dispensed into us for our enjoyment so that we may feast in His presence with Him and unto Him. This is not only revealed in the New Testament, but also implied in the Old Testament. This feasting pleased the Lord because it was worship to Him. According to the human concept, people should always be working; but according to the divine concept, God’s people should put aside their working for the times of festivals to rest from their busyness and to feast with God in worship to Him.
Jehovah also demanded that Pharaoh allow the children of Israel to sacrifice to Jehovah their God (Exo. 5:3). Sacrifice is a word parallel to feasting. To the children of Israel, the feast was a feast, but to God it was a sacrifice. Without the sacrifice, there was nothing to feast on. What the children of Israel were to feast on was the very sacrifice they were to offer to God. The Passover illustrates this. The lamb sacrificed to God was food for the children of Israel. This reveals that the feast and the sacrifice are two aspects of one thing. Whatever we sacrifice to God spontaneously becomes our feast. (Life-study of Exodus, Chap. 13)