Weekly Pursuit – Week 2 of January
Num. 1:3 “From twenty years old and upward, all who are able to go forth for military service in Israel, you and Aaron shall number them by their companies.”
From beginning to end the book of Numbers is a glorious book. In the beginning God formed the army, and at the end we have a record of the dividing of the land conquered by this army. In the forming of the house of Israel into a fighting army, we again see the principle revealed in Genesis 1: God desires a corporate man to represent Him in subduing and regaining this earth from the usurping hand of Satan. God had given Israel a good land called Canaan, but the Israelites had to take this land from the usurping hand of God’s enemy. They could not gain the land easily; they had to fight inch by inch, defeating all their enemies. The purpose and goal of the fighting was to possess the land.
Where is the army now? Are you in the army? If the church is not built, there is no priesthood, and if there is no priesthood, there is no army. In Numbers 4 the Hebrew word for the service of the priesthood really means “warfare” (see the footnote on Numbers 4:3). This signifies that whenever the priests served together, they were fighting the battle. It was a warfare. We can testify of this from our experience: whenever we are in the real service of the Lord, there is always a battle taking place. The priests were the generals, the real soldiers. This is why we also must first have the building, and then we may have the priesthood, which becomes the army to fight God’s battle. (The Vision of God’s Building, ch. 9)