Weekly Pursuit – Week 1 of May

May 2, 2017 by


Col. 3:1 “If therefore you were raised together with Christ, seek the things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God.”



Although Christ in His earthly ministry fully accomplished redemption for our salvation, He has not yet completed the building up of His Body. For the building up of the Body, His ministry in heaven is necessary. It is not the desire of Christ simply to have a large group of saved people; He wants the saved ones to be built up together as His Body. Christ desires a Body, a building, a bride.


Between Christ in heaven and us on earth there is a divine transmission, a heavenly current. If we are receiving this transmission, we shall respond to Christ’s work in heaven. However, if in our experience we are not continuously connected to Him or if we allow insulation to build up between us and Him, the transmission will cease. It is most pitiful that among many genuine Christians today the connection with the heavenly Christ in their experience has been severed. They are genuine Christians, but they do not experience the divine current, and there is no fellowship between them and the Lord. We hope that the situation among us will be absolutely different from this. Instead of being cut off from the heavenly Christ, in our experience we need to continually receive the divine transmission. Day and night, we should be infused with a supply from heaven, and experience the transaction between the heavenly Christ and us. We should continually respond to Christ’s interceding, ministering, and executing of God’s administration. (Life-study of Colossians, Message. 62)


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