Weekly Pursuit – Week 1 of June
Matt. 16:25 “For whoever wants to save his soul-life shall lose it; but whoever loses his soul-life for My sake shall find it.”
To lose the soul means to lose the enjoyment of the soul. If you have had some experience, you will know that apparently the losing of the soul is a suffering, but actually it is a real joy. If a sister loses her soul by forgiving her husband, that will be a joy to her and to her family. It will issue in the building up of the proper family life. The same is true in principle with the building of the church. If you are willing to lose your soul in a practical way, others will be nourished by you and built up through you. This is not a suffering; it is a joy. Hebrews 12:2 says that the Lord endured the cross because of the joy that was set before Him. He went joyfully. He knew that through His death many grains would be brought forth.
When [God] came in the flesh, He was rejected. He [had] no joy on this earth. As His followers, we share His destiny. Our destiny is not to be welcomed by this world; instead, it is to be rejected. Therefore, this age is not the time for us to have enjoyment for our soul; it is the time for us to lose this enjoyment. When the Lord Jesus comes back, that will be the time for Him to enjoy the earth. Satan will be bound, Christ will recover the earth, and the entire earth will be under His reign. At that time Christ will enjoy the earth, and all His followers will participate in this enjoyment. This will be the saving of our soul. (The Exercise of the Kingdom for the Building of the Church, Chs. 5-6)