Prayer Burdens – Week 4 of May
1. Pray for the new gospel contacts, especially the students in Istanbul Technical University and Boğaziçi University to have a deeper hunger to know God and the truth.
2. Pray for the saints in Izmir to be strengthened in their living and work and be blended together and for more solid families to be gained for the testimony in Izmir.
1. Pray for the College Students’ Training at New Delhi from 5/20-22 and at Hyderabad from 5/26-28 and may the Lord speak to many young ones and many will receive the Lord’s calling to join the Full-Time Training.
2. Pray for the further shepherding of the newly baptized ones in the church life after the two-seek propagation of FTT at Chennai, Mumbai, Guwahati and New Delhi.
Sri Lanka
1. Pray for the Intensified Propagation in Kotte, Colombo District with 6 full-timers from Taiwan from 5/4-6/25 and may the Lord release 15 families and raise up the testimony on 6/25.