Prayer Burdens – Week 4 of August
Pray for the ongoing Gospel Move in 11 localities in 7 states in India in the month of August, that the Lord can gain open families and seekers of the truth for the establishment of the testimony of Jesus in these places.
1. Pray for the Electronic Version of the Holy Bible Recovery Version in Burmese to come out in October.
2. Pray for the churches in Myanmar to have oneness and for the saints to grow in life; also pray for the gospel to the unbelievers.
Pray for the saints to have a corporate living of morning revival and home meetings.
1. Pray for the Turkish speaking saints to focus on Jesus Christ, to be saved from their own traditions, cultures and old concepts and to be blended together with all the saints as one.
2. Pray for the daily enjoyment of the saints; may the Lord grant them a thirsty heart and separate their time to keep their corporate enjoyment.