The Lord’s Move to Asia (September 2012)

Aug 15, 2013 by


A gospel move will be held in New Delhi and Chennai, India, from November 3rd to 11th of this year. The schedule is as follows:

11/3~11/4 (Sat. to Lord’s Day): Propagation Training

11/5~11/9 (Mon. to Fri.): Propagation in campus / community

11/10~11/11 (Sat. to Lord’s Day): Blending

We would like to invite all the saints to come and join us in the preaching of the gospel for a week in these two cities. Churches and saints who wish to participate in this move please register before September 30th, 2012.

Please send inquiries and completed registration to:


India – Propagation Report

I am Brother Stone Chang from Kaohsiung, Taiwan. It is so glorious to be able to propagate for the Lord! I have been in New Delhi for a month now and have pretty much settled in. The blending with the local church has also become more intimate. Thank you all for your prayer and support, which enabled me to propagate His kingdom in the Body.

Shortly after my arrival in India, there was a national co-workers’ training.  The speaking brother helped us in three basic matters: 1) learning how to contact the Lord; 2) loving the word of the Lord; and 3) learning how to practice the church life. We were also helped to see that the propagation in India is not only for India, but for the spread to the Middle East, the Arab world, and even to Jerusalem.  Our work here today is strategic for the preparation of the Lord’s return.  For this we must be equipped in the area of language in order to be used by the Lord.

For our propagation here, the Lord prepared for us a home that is very close to the campuses that we are laboring on and near the saints’ homes.  We opened our home to the students and to the saints. In the past two weeks, the church also sub-divided a district to meet in our house.  We are so joyful to be able to offer what we have to the Lord.

In the matter of learning languages, I am learning to seize every opportunity to practice speaking English in prayer, fellowship, truth pursuit, service, daily living, etc. so that language would not become a hindrance to me. The work also arranged a three-day English strengthening program for us who were new here, in which we practiced prophesying in English with a released spirit. In those three days we truly experienced the outpouring of the economical Spirit; the Spirit broke through all our barriers so that we could be free in our spirit.   Currently we are also learning Hindi from a sister with the hope to be equipped in our language skill for the spread of the gospel and the shepherding and perfecting of the saints.

In the area of truth and service, we spend a good amount of time pursuing the truth and praying together. Every morning, from Monday to Friday, brothers and sisters from the southern district of New Delhi would get into the messages from the seven annual feasts and ministry books, from which we learn the proper way to serve. In the afternoon, after we pray together, we would go to the campuses to preach the gospel and visit the students.  The people here very seldom would refuse the gospel tracts handed to them; they are even very grateful to us.  May the Lord cause us to find the sons of peace and add more young people to His church.

Please pray for the following items: 1) the establishment of 500 churches in India by 2020; 2) the gaining of good materials on the campuses for the Lord’s use; and 3) the gaining of homes in the communities.



Our God is living! Our Lord is moving and the Spirit is working! Indeed this is the testimony of the churches in Qatar. One brother visited the two churches there, Doha and Al Khor, from Aug 14th to 19th.  In Doha around 20 saints came together for the home meetings on three separate occasions. The Lord ushered us into a sweet fellowship regarding learning to bear fruit and living in the divine history within the human history.  We all consecrated ourselves to be one with Him in His history both in our life and our living. The Lord was burning away the dross and causing us to fan into flame the gift of God within us, which was matched by the outside temperature of 45°C. After the Table Meeting, we fellowshipped concerning having a personal, affectionate, private, and spiritual relationship with the Lord. We were constrained by His love to give to Him the preeminence, the first place, in all things.

We also had a meeting in Al Khor, a city about 50 km north of Doha. For this particular meeting, the local brothers invited a number of Nepalese brothers who had been contacted by the brothers in the past few months. That night, 24 Nepalese brothers came to the meeting. We shared regarding living and walking by the spirit. The meeting was filled with the Spirit and many of the saints spoke about not living by our natural life but living Christ by walking according to the Spirit. At the end of the meeting we all sang “This is the Day that the Lord Has Made” in Nepalese and English. We were all rejoicing and glad that we could do everything by the Spirit.

From August 19th to 21st, the 7th Blending Conference was held in Doha. Around 40 saints came together, including some new ones and a few who came for the first time. We shared from the Memorial Day Conference messages, the general subject of which was “The Genuine Oneness of the Body, the Proper One Accord in the Church, and the Direction of the Lord’s Move Today”. Session after session, the saints responded with exercised speaking to share what they saw and enjoyed from the word.

The Lord over these few days spoke a timely word, causing us to 1) see the vision of the genuine oneness of the Body, 2) practice the proper one accord, and 3) align ourselves (all that we are and have) toward the direction of the Lord’s move today.

We also had some fellowship among the responsible brothers from the two localities. We sensed the Lord’s sweet anointing as we prayed and fellowshipped with an open heart and an exercised spirit to seek His leading in Qatar.

During this time, the Islamic countries in the Middle East were at the tail end of Ramadan, the month of fasting. It is significant that we met during the Eid-ul-Fitr, which marked the end of the fasting month. As we were being drawn to our lovely Bridegroom, we could not fast but feasted with Him and in Him (Mark 2:19).

We praise the Lord for His testimony in Qatar. May He continue to move in an unhindered way to gain more ground in the saints and in the churches for the building up of the organic Body of Christ.


Vietnam – Summer Truth Training

In response to the Lord’s move, 160 saints (aged 15 and above) from different localities around the country came to Hanoi to attend the annual Summer Truth Training from July 31st to August 2nd of this year.

“Our Savior God…desires all men to be saved and to come to the full knowledge of the truth” (1 Tim. 2:3b-4). The more we learn the truth and acknowledge the Lord, the more we love Him and respect Him, for His word expresses, explains, and enlightens us to see Him, His will, His heart and His purpose.

May we not only know Him in our mind in an objective way, but experience Him subjectively in our Christian living and in building up the church as His Body!

Praise the Lord for such a rich training. Hallelujah! Amen!

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