Weekly Pursuit – Week 4 of April
1 Cor. 12:13 “For also in one Spirit we were all baptized into one Body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free, and were all given to drink one Spirit.”
I am burdened that everyone in the Lord’s recovery would see the Spirit and the Body. We all must go into the presence of the Lord and pray for some time. Everything must be brought into the presence of the Lord. We must be those absolutely saturated with the Spirit and absolutely one with the Spirit. If so, then whatever we say is the Spirit’s speaking, whatever we do is the Spirit’s doing, and whatever work we do is the Spirit’s working. The Body is in the fellowship, and this fellowship is in oneness. Fellowship follows prayer. If you pray and fellowship, you honor the Lord, and you will also have the assurance that it is the Lord who is leading you. You will never regret your move, no matter what the outward situation may be. You will not only have the assurance; you will also be strengthened and endued with authority.
In the churches and with the saints we must care for two elements: the Spirit and the Body. We must be certain that what we are doing is in the Spirit and that it takes care of the oneness. We do not want to become a movement that cares nothing for the Spirit; neither do we want to be a repetition of the division and confusion of Christianity that does not care for the unique oneness. We all need to pray earnestly for the Lord’s recovery; we need to pray earnestly that we would be kept in the Spirit and in the unique oneness. To be in the Spirit and in the unique oneness of the Body is to be kept in the Lord’s recovery. (The Spirit and the Body, ch. 1)