Prayer Burdens – Week 3 of April
Pray for the propagation in New Delhi, Shimla, Mumbai, and Guwahati from Apr. 25-May 8 by FTTHK and FTTND trainees that the Lord would gain many open ones and families for the raising up / strengthening of His testimony in these cities through the coordination of the Body.
Papua New Guinea:
1. Pray for the Lord to raise up a golden lampstand in Port Moresby for His testimony in PNG to be strengthened and for His move to advance.
2. Pray for the Lord to gain some seeking young people for His testimony to live a life of daily enjoying Him and build up the habit of daily Bible reading and praying.
1. Pray for the shepherding of the 16 newly baptized young people during the recent gospel propagation that they would be brought into the church life.
2. Pray for the Nazarite training and the 13 trainees that they would be trained and perfected to be useful for the building up of the Body of Christ.