Weekly Pursuit – Week 4 of December

Dec 24, 2018 by


1 Cor. 6:17 “But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit.”



The church is the enlargement of Christ, the God-man, the One who is God mingled with man. When the church is in a normal condition, we can see God and man mingled together. On the day of Pentecost those in the church were uneducated, insignificant men, but we can see that they were mingled with the almighty God. When Peter and the eleven apostles stood up to speak, although it was Peter’s voice, God was speaking. God was not merely among them; even more, He was mingled with them. They were inseparable inseparable from God. This is the church.


Formerly, this mingling could be seen in only one person, but now it can be seen in millions of people. Formerly, this mingling involved only the Head, but now it has been enlarged to become the Body. With respect to time, this enlargement is extending; with respect to space, this enlargement is spreading. If there is no mingling of God with man and man with God, there can be no church. Though many believers have God’s life in them, the practical expression of the mingling of God and man is not among them. If there is the mingling of God and man, there is the Body and there is the reality. This reality is the expression of the Body.


In the Gospels the mingling of God and man produced the Head, Christ. In Acts the enlargement of the mingling of God and man produced the Body of Christ. (The Church as the Body of Christ)

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