Prayer Burdens – Week 5 of January
Pray for the serving ones to shepherd according to God, establish one-on-one shepherding relationships with the saints, and supply the Lord’s word to them, so that they can be stable in the church life.
Pray for the organic functioning of the saints through the proper structure of the church life in the practice of the God-ordained way for the building up of the Body.
Pray for the national blending conference which will be held 6/10-6/11.
Sri Lanka
Pray for the new golden lampstands to be raised up in Mawathagama and Ampara in 2023
Pray for the language learning of the migrated saints that they can be made channels of God to preach the word of God.
Pray that the Lord may have a way in the following countries without the Lord’s testimony: Afghanistan, Iraq, Maldives, North Korea, Palestine, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Yemen.