Prayer Burdens – Week 3 of May

May 19, 2021 by


Pray for the saints to be covered, protected and preserved during the social unrest and Covid-19 epidemic.



Pray for the saints to have normal church life through the internet and spend more time with the Lord during the pandemic.



1. Pray for the printing and distribution of 6000 copies of the six Rainbow Booklets in Azerbaijani, 1800 copies in Russian, and 1000 copies of Mystery of Human Life in Azerbaijani.

2. Pray for the readers that the booklets in their hands will be read, and shared, and the readers will receive nourishment, be enlightened and seek God’s economy.



Pray for the strengthening of all the saints in India (192 churches, 8000 saints), and for the strengthening of the church life with mutual love, mutual care, mutual shepherding for the building up during the 2nd wave of pandemic.



1. Pray for the infected saints to be preserved, healed, and be strengthened in their faith in the Lord during their recovery process.

2. Pray for the saints to continue living a life of gospel preaching and shepherding via online messaging applications during the pandemic.

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