Prayer Burdens – Week 1 of April
1. Pray for the church life to be preserved and strengthened in the lock-down situation, that through the online channels the saints can maintain the meetings, fellowship and prayer for mutual caring, encouragement and shepherding.
2. Pray that the Lord may grant the authorities sufficient wisdom to control the spread of the virus; may the Lord open the way for the kingdom gospel and the testimony of the recovery to be spread in Nepal.
Pray for the saints to be raised up to pursue the Lord and pray the kingdom prayer to cooperate with the Lord and enter into the current burden in the Lord’s Recovery.
1. Pray for the saints in all languages to adapt to the online meetings and separate their time and exercise their spirits to get together; may the Lord remove all the negative effects from the coronavirus and strengthen the saints to enjoy and live Christ more.
2. Pray for the online propagation of Rhema books that more pure-hearted seekers can be brought into the Lord’s recovery.