Weekly Pursuit – Week 2 of April
1 Cor. 12:13 “For also in one Spirit we were all baptized into one Body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free, and were all given to drink one Spirit.”
The new man needs to be renewed. As long as we have the baptism in the Spirit and the constant drinking, we will have a thorough renewal. We do not just need an outward baptism but an inward, constant, and instant drinking of the Spirit into our very inward being. When we drink of the one Spirit, this Spirit saturates our inward being. The leading and central part of our inward being is the mind. Thus, when the Spirit has been drunk into us, it first saturates our mind. When the Spirit spreads into our mind, it becomes the spirit of our mind. It is in such a Spirit that we are renewed.
The renewal of the mind is for the real practice of the new man. Our natural mentality was educated and built up according to our racial and cultural background. This is the top hindrance to the existence of the new man. We must have a thorough, proper, and adequate renewal of our mind. This is why we have to drink of the Spirit. Then our entire being, especially our mind, will be saturated by the Spirit.
The only possibility of the Lord’s eternal purpose being fulfilled in this age is if we would all be willing to be renewed in the spirit of our mind. This means that we have to open up ourselves and drink of the Spirit in order that the Spirit may get into our being, saturating our natural mentality so that we can have a metabolic change in our way of life. Then there is much possibility for the new man to come into full existence. (One New Man, Chap. 5)