Prayer Burdens – Week 3 of November

Nov 21, 2016 by


1. Pray for the gospel preaching in Istanbul, especially for the students in Istanbul University and Bosphorus University that the Lord would move among the students and create a hunger in them for Himself.
2. Pray for the continuous contact with the new ones that the saints can have more wisdom to dispense the divine word into them and cause them to be attracted by the wonderful Triune God.
3. Pray for the strengthening of the church life in Istanbul and may the saints be attracted and saturated with the divine word; especially pray for the newly started group meeting that the divine love may flow and divine light may shine.



1. Pray for the 2-week intensified propagation in the Ho Chi Minh city from 11/21-12/04.
2. Pray for the people in Long Xuyen to be open to receive the Lord and for the gospel to prevail in this city.
3. Pray for the saints in Phan Thiet to grow in life and to open their homes for meetings, so that the pillars may be raised up and they can stand firm for the Lord’s testimony in this city.



Pray for the Propagation Training in Tenkasi from 11/24-27 for the perfecting of the pillars to carry out of the God-ordained way.

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