Prayer Burdens – Week 4 of January
Pray for the saints to love the Lord and His word more, long for spiritual growth, practice morning revival every morning, maintain fellowship with the Lord daily through spiritual exercises, and pursue the Life-studies for 15 minutes every evening.
Pray for the saints, especially the brothers, to be raised up to pick up the burden to preach the gospel and shepherd people.
Pray for the spreading of the church life as the completion of the Lord’s recovery in Kolkata and for the propagation, that the Lord may gain the key brothers and families for His testimony.
Pray for the saints to be released to restore and establish stable group meetings.
Pray for the key families to be richly-supplied joint and knit-together sinew to shepherd the saints.
Pray that the Lord may have a way in the following countries/region without the Lord’s testimony: Afghanistan, Iraq, Maldives, North Korea, Palestine, Syria, Turkmenistan and Yemen.