Prayer Burdens – Week 3 of July
Pray for the two new sisters to become clearer about the vision this summer that they can be steadfast for the way of the Lord’s recovery with one city, one church.
Pray for the propagation in Serei Saophoan, Banteay Srey and Ta Khmau; may the Lord establish His testimony in these three localities and set up the Lord’s table meetings this year.
Pray for the literature work to be strengthened.
Sri Lanka
Pray for the 5 young people to participate in the three-month training in New Delhi starting from 7/31.
Pray for the Lord’s work among the gospel friends who have read the Shepherding Materials that they can be enlightened and attracted to steadfastly enter into the Lord’s word with the saints.
Pray for the ministry of the age spreading out to the whole country and gaining good materials for the building up of the Body through the distribution of seven Rhema books.