Prayer Burdens – Week 2 of August
Pray for the perfecting meeting on 8/19; may the Lord release the saints’ time, creating the spiritual hunger in them, strengthening the spiritual atmosphere of the meetings and bringing everyone into the realm of light and life so that they can enter into the word and be constituted with the truth.
Pray for the gospel preaching among the local people to not only contact some open vessels but also gain some genuine seeking ones that they may become remaining fruit and building materials.
East Timor
Pray for the saints of different languages to come together to pray, fellowship, and enjoy the Lord more for blending and building up.
Pray for the shepherding in Islamabad; may the Lord recover the backsliding saints and recover their first love for the Lord.
Sri Lanka
Pray for all the suffering saints during this economic crisis, that they can receive God’s abounding grace through His secret care.
Pray that the Lord would safeguard the distribution of Rhema books in the whole country.