Weekly Pursuit – Week 4 of July

Jul 29, 2019 by


Num. 1:3 “From twenty years old and upward, all who are able to go forth for military service in Israel, you and Aaron shall number them by their companies.”



If we would be in the army to fight for God’s move, we need to mature. We need to grow until we come to the spiritual age of twenty. The intercession offered at the incense altar is for this growth and maturity so that the army can be formed. The more intercession there is at the incense altar, the greater will be the urgency for God’s people to grow. Only when such an army has been formed will God be able to move on earth for His purpose. Oh, God’s chosen people need to grow!


If the Lord’s recovery is to move on, a number of saints need to experience all the aspects of the outer court and the tabernacle. They must go to the altar and then enjoy Christ as their life supply at the table in the Holy Place. Then they need to receive Christ as their light and experience the breaking of their natural being in order to have the Ark, Christ as the testimony of God. Eventually, they will reach the incense altar and intercede for God’s move.


“Lord, we call on You for Your recovery. O Lord, move on. But look at today’s situation—there are enemies everywhere. Lord, where is Your testimony? We pray that Your testimony will go on.” This is the intercessory prayer offered at the incense altar. The prayer at the incense altar leads to the formation of the army. As a result of the prayer at the incense altar, the Lord conducts a military census of the saints in the churches. Here and there, He numbers His people. Those who are numbered are the ones qualified to go to war. (Life-study of Exodus, msg. 154)

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