Weekly Pursuit – Week 3 of September

Sep 18, 2018 by


Rom 4:25 “Who[Jesus] was delivered for our offenses and was raised for our justification.”



In Romans 4:25 we see that Christ is the factor of our justification. Christ was delivered up to die on the cross because of our offenses. The death of Christ has fulfilled and fully satisfied God’s righteous requirements. God raised Him from the dead, [which] is a strong proof that God was satisfied with Christ’s dying for us and that we are justified by God because of Christ’s death. Now God can accept us through Christ.


This resurrected Christ is not only in the heavens but also within us to impart life that we may have a life of justification. By believing in Him, we have received Christ as our objective righteousness and are objectively justified before God. We have also received Christ as resurrection life that we can live by this life to have Christ lived out of us as our subjective righteousness; hence, we can be subjectively justified by God. This subjective justification is our living by the resurrected Christ.


We have not only an objective justification but a subjective justification as well. Thus, as the factor of our justification, Christ was delivered on the cross because of our offenses in order to satisfy God’s righteous requirements. He then was raised because of our justification as a proof of God’s satisfaction for God to accept us; He was raised also as the resurrected life for us to live a life that can be justified by God and is always acceptable to God. Today Christ in resurrection is our justification. (The Conclusion of the New Testament, pp. 3031-3033)

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