Weekly Pursuit – Week 3 of November

Nov 19, 2018 by


Acts 1:8 “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and unto the uttermost part of the earth.”



In principle, the church must spread, and the faster, the farther, and the more it spreads, the better. Once the church spreads, [the] narrow view, prejudiced hearts, regional concepts, and things not up to the standard of the Body were eliminated. Because of the spreading to the household of Cornelius, the Jews expanded their narrow view. The most blessed church is the church that spreads the most. If there is a local church that never spreads, it will have more and more problems until it becomes very weak. On the one hand, we must be careful and serious about the spreading of the church, not being loose or careless and using human methods to promote it. We must allow the Lord to work. On the other hand, we must be clear that the church needs to spread, and we must do our best to raise up churches in every place. Although this does not depend on human effort, we should not limit the spreading.


We should not have the slightest limitation that could cause the church to stop spreading. Promoting the church’s spread through human work is ineffective and will not last, but we should bear the responsibility to allow the church to spread in order to eliminate our narrow concepts. The basic principle of the church is that it is eternal and universal; the church must constantly spread on the earth. The growth of the church and the building up of the church are based on spreading. (Three Aspects of the Church-the Course of the Church, ch. 2)

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