Weekly Pursuit – Week 3 of March
Exo. 27:4 “And you shall make a grating, a network of bronze for it; and on the net you shall make four bronze rings at its four ends.”
The grating, the network of bronze, inside the altar signifies Christ Himself in His redemptive work. It stretched horizontally from side to side at the middle of the height of the altar (Exo. 27:5). The wood was placed on this grating, and the sacrifices were put on the wood. As the wood and the sacrifices burned, the ashes fell through the grating to the bottom of the altar, and the smoke ascended as a sweet savor to God for His satisfaction. The ashes were proof that the sacrifice had been accepted by God and that the offerer had been forgiven. God enjoyed the aroma of the burning sacrifice, and the offerer enjoyed peace.
The bronze grating, with its rings and poles, is the content of the altar, signifying the inner content of Christ’s redemption. That the grating was within the altar signifies that God’s judgment upon Christ as our Substitute was not merely outward but reached the inward parts of Christ (Psa. 22:14). (Recovery Version, Exo. 27:4 note 1)
The bronze grating within the altar signifies that God’s judgment reached the inward parts of Christ. God’s judgment upon Christ as our Substitute was not merely outward. The holy fire of God’s judgment was not just outside of Christ, but also burned within Him. This is indicated in Psalm 22, a psalm concerning the sufferings of Christ on the cross. Verse 14 says, “I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint: my heart is like wax; it is melted in the midst of my bowels.” This indicates that when Christ bore God’s judgment, that judgment reached His heart, His inward parts. His bones were out of joint, but His heart melted in His inward parts. This means that God’s judgment upon Christ was experienced more inwardly than it was outwardly…. He suffered more inwardly than He did outwardly. (The Life-study of Exodus, msg. 105)