Weekly Pursuit – Week 3 of February
John 6:31 Our fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, as it is written, “He gave them bread out of heaven to eat.”
In Exodus 16 and Numbers 11 we are given a brief description of manna. The fact that manna came in the morning indicates that it gives us a new beginning. Every morning we can have a new beginning. In our spiritual experience we need these daily turns, these daily new beginnings. Another characteristic of manna is its fineness. By nature, we are coarse and unbalanced. However, when we take the Lord Jesus as our food, enjoying His word as our life supply, we are balanced.
Manna was white. It was clean and pure, without any kind of mixture. Only Christ and His word are pure. The more we feast on Christ and eat His word, the more we are purified and saved from every kind of mixture. To be white means to be without stain. As we feed on Christ, the stains within us are eliminated. Actually, none of our human virtues is white. But as we feed on Christ, the stains within us are eliminated. Actually, none of our human virtues is white. But the more we take in Christ as our life supply, the more our natural color is eliminated, and the whiter we become.
The manna was also like frost. Both dew and frost are refreshing. But although dew refreshes, it does not kill germs. Frost, however, does kill germs. As manna, not only
does Christ refresh us; He also kills the negative things within us. Whenever we experience Christ as the life supply, we are watered and refreshed, and the negative things within us, such as our negative attitudes, are put to death. (Life-study of Exodus, msg. 36-37)