Weekly Pursuit – Week 2 of June
Rev. 19:7 “Let us rejoice and exult, and let us give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready.”
We must realize our tremendous responsibility. First, we must preach the gospel properly, adequately, and genuinely. Second, we must teach people the Bible, bringing them to the full knowledge of the truth. We must be a people who really respect and know God’s divine Word. Third, we must drop all kinds of religion and practices and come together according to the Bible. God’s desire [is] for us to live Christ, to have Christ as our living, to have Christ as the reality, making every local church a golden lampstand. The Body life will reach the reality of Romans 12, and this will be the spontaneous preparation of the bride for His coming back. This is the goal of the Lord’s recovery.
God is sovereignly ruling over the world situation. He has supplied us so that we may go out with His Word, spreading His ultimate move, that His eternal intention may be carried out. Be burdened with God’s ultimate move. Then you will see God’s oneness with you, and there will be no problem with your living.
All that is needed is our faithfulness. We all have to be faithful; we all must seek after Him. We must treasure this time in which we live. We must treasure the vision of the recovery, and we must treasure our responsibility. Just forget about everything else. Rise up and stand for the Lord’s recovery. This is the ultimate time for God to accomplish His purpose to bring the Lord back. (The World Situation and God’s Move, ch.1)