Weekly Pursuit – Week 2 of February
1 Cor. 1:23-24 “But we preach Christ crucified,…to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.”
In the cross of Christ we see God’s power. It takes the power of God to defeat Satan, the world, sin, fallen man, the flesh, the natural life, the old creation, and the ordinances. This power is not that of doing things by speaking, such as the power God exercised in creation. Rather, it is the power of crucifixion, the power of the wonderful death of Christ. The death of Christ has become the power of God to destroy Satan, to solve the problem of the world, to eliminate sin, and to terminate fallen man, the flesh, the natural life, and the old creation. By one death, the death of Christ, all the problems in the universe have been cleared. Thus, Christ crucified is the power of God to abolish all negative things and carry out His plan.
This crucified Christ is also the wisdom of God. In order to accomplish anything, we need both power and wisdom. Wisdom is for planning and purposing, whereas power is for carrying out and accomplishing what is planned and purposed. The crucified Christ can be applied to all manner of human experiences. Within this crucified Christ there are the elements of resurrection and ascension. Thus, when we enjoy the crucified Christ, we also enjoy His resurrection and ascension. The key to experiencing the resurrection and ascension of Christ is found in Christ’s crucifixion. Crucifixion is the threshold into all the riches of Christ. The cross is the way to experience Christ with all His riches. (Life-study of 1 Corinthians, m. 8)