Weekly Pursuit – Week 1 of May
Phil. 2:13 “For it is God who operates in you both the willing and the working for His good pleasure.”
In the church the most important thing is the person. The importance of the person far exceeds that of any work. In the world it is just the opposite; there, the work is more important than the person. But for us the person is more important. During the span of time, God does many works. God’s main goal, however, is not the works but to gain persons through the works. God does not work for the sake of working, but for the sake of gaining men through His works. God is not here merely to accomplish a work but to use His work to gain some people.
In the New Testament it is very difficult to find out what is the method or way to serve. Some places seem to speak about the method or the way, but actually the emphasis is still the person himself. The person is the way, and the person is the Lord’s work. If God does not gain a person, He will have no work, and He will have no way. A way is a course that a person takes. If God does not gain man, He will have no course to take. Man thinks that the most important thing to do is to find a good way. However, God’s work does not involve giving us the ways but is a matter of gaining the persons. If God can gain two or three brothers here, He will have a way. Even if I present to you the best way to be an elder, it will be useless if the person is wrong. We, the person, should be gained by God. We have to learn to be the proper person more than to learn to do the proper things. It is meaningless for things to be done properly without the person being a proper one. What you are is what you do. You cannot serve God beyond what you are as a person. It is not our ground or our doctrines that will bring in God’s blessing. The basic question is the person himself. (Messages Given during the Resumption of Watchman Nee’s Ministry, chs. 33, 10)