Prayer Burdens – Week 5 of October
1. Pray for 10 FTT Seoul trainees visiting Yangon to fellowship with the trainees in Myanmar and preach the gospel in 5 cities from 10/30-11/21 and may all the trainees enjoy the fellowship of the oneness of the Body and gain new ones for His Kingdom.
2. Pray for 2 trainers from FTT Seoul to take classes at FTT Yangon from 11/20-11/28 and have the rich flow of life.
1. Pray for the National Serving Ones’ Training in New Delhi from Nov. 3-5, that the Lord can release His up to date speaking and burden to all the serving ones for the sake of the building up of the church.
2. Pray for the 14 brothers who will be joining a Perfecting Trip to Taiwan from Nov. 11-19, that the Lord can perfect this group of brothers by enlarging their vision concerning the church and the practice of the church life in view of the practice of the God-ordained way and the importance of raising up the next generation in the church life.