Prayer Burdens – Week 1 of July

Jul 14, 2024 by


Pray for the saints to be strengthened and supplied in the Lord.



Pray for the leading brothers’ training in Hyderabad on July 10-13 and in Chennai on July 14-17, that the Lord can gain a group of brothers for His service and testimony in this country.



Pray for the 106 churches to be guarded by the Lord and to bear more fruit.



Pray for the saints’ spirit, soul and body to be preserve and not to be disturbed by the weather in order to remain in their enjoyment in the Lord.


Sri Lanka

Pray for 1/3 of the saints to be released to carry out the begetting and nourishing for the increase of the church in Colombo.



Pray for the practice of the God-ordained way and for the saints to have 4 remaining fruits this year.

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