Prayer Burdens – Week 1 of August
Pray for the shepherding and growth in life of the six new ones who were baptized in the past five months.
Pray for the 100 churches to be guarded by the Lord and to bear more fruit.
Pray for the newly arrived families to break through all the obstacles and move forward in their language learning.
Sri Lanka
Pray that the Lord would use the new government to recover the economic situation and that all the church activities would be intensified without any hindrance.
Pray for the church life in İstanbul; may the English-speaking, Turkish-speaking and Chinese-speaking saints remain in the enjoyment of the word of God with their time and whole being released to participate the church life and be strengthened, grounded and perfected for the building up of the Body.
Pray for the national young people’s blending conference in Dalat 8/12-8/14.