Weekly Pursuit – Week 4 of November
Heb. 12:1 “Therefore let us also…put away every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us and run with endurance the race which is set before us.”
The entire Christian life is a race. This race is not for obtaining eternal life. On the contrary, only those who already have eternal life are qualified to run the race. At the end of the race, some will receive a crown, while others will not receive a crown.
Receiving the crown means to obtain the kingdom, which is to become kings to reign and receive glory with the Lord Jesus. All his words, conduct, thoughts, living, and everything about him have to do with whether or not he will obtain the kingdom in the future. Our abandon, consecration, faithfulness, and victory will make us those that receive the crown.
May we all be persons who run the race until the end. Even if we are hurt, offended, misunderstood, and rejected while running, we still have to cheer up and run the race unwearily for the sake of the Lord Jesus. Who receives the most praises in a race? It is the one who is hurt, who rises up again, and who finally wins the first place. Being hurt and suffering are not a problem; even failing is not a problem. Today we are all in the race. Nothing counts today; everything will receive its final judgment at the end of the race. We should not give up, become weary, or faint in our soul for any reason. We ought to look unto Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith and run the race set before us! (CWWN, vol. 17, pp. 229-240)