Weekly Pursuit – Week 5 of July
Rom. 5:17b “much more those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.”
Israel was mainly enjoying the good land. The top ones, who were enjoying the good land on the top level, were the kings. These kings are types of the New Testament believers because all the New Testament believers were saved by God to be kings.
John 1 says that when God came to be a man, that was grace coming. Grace is not just abundant grace but abounding grace, which is increasing all the time. We have received this grace, and we have received a gift from God, which is also abounding. This gift is God’s righteousness for our redemption judicially. Thus, we have received these two things: grace and righteousness. These are for us to reign in life, to be kings in life.
If we have not reached the level of a king in our Christian life, we are still below the proper standard. Our enjoyment of Christ should come up to the kingship level. We can be such kings only by being men regenerated with God and transformed with God as the element so that we live not by our own life, by ourselves, by our natural man, or by our flesh. Instead, we live by God who is now mingling Himself with us as one. The believers’ life is to live such a human yet divine life. It is in this life that we can be kings to enjoy our God-ordained portion, which is Christ as our good land. (Living a Life according to the High Peak of God’s Revelation, ch. 2)