Weekly Pursuit – Week 2 of June

Jun 12, 2017 by


Heb. 4:9 “So then there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God.”



In a positive and good sense, the proper church life is God’s Sabbath. Now we can understand why the book of Hebrews warns the believers not to miss the Sabbath, telling them to be diligent to enter into it.


Christ is not our life and rest for our individual enjoyment but for the building up of God’s house. If you want to enjoy Christ as your rest, you must come to Him. But where is He? Christ is in the church. Why is this rest in the church? Because in the church God is expressed and represented, and where God is expressed and represented, there is the Sabbath. In the church God has His habitation for His expression and representation. God’s throne, kingdom, and government are in the church. Thus, it is in the church that God is satisfied. God’s satisfaction and rest are in the church.


God is not the only one who desires to rest in the church life. So many unbelieving human beings are wandering, dissatisfied with their way of life. This is why we need to have the proper and high church life, the church life that will be the high gospel for the thirsty ones. When the hungry and thirsty ones come to such a church life, they will see that this is what they have been looking for, that this is what they desire, and immediately they will enter into the Sabbath rest. (Life-study of Hebrews, Chap. 18)

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