Prayer Burdens – Week 1 of September

Sep 3, 2019 by

Pray for the visa application of the overseas serving ones that they can stay longer for His testimony in this country.


1. Pray for the regular visits of the saints to strengthen the Lord’s move.
2. Pray for the seeking ones to enter into the printed ministry and see the Lord’s recovery.


1. Pray for the Recovery Version Translation Project into 6 local Indian languages, that all the translators can be strengthened in their spirit, soul and body; also pray for the preparation of Hindi translators for the Recovery Version translation as 7th Indian language.
2. Pray for all the preparatory arrangements of the upcoming Fall ITERO which will be held in Bangalore, that the Lord can head up all the arrangements for the release of His speaking without any hindrance.


Pray for the practice of organic shepherding in the homes so that all the saints may pick up the burden to function in shepherding the new ones and the weak ones.

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