The Lord’s Move to Asia (May 2012)

Aug 15, 2013 by

A Report of the LMA Fellowship in Bangkok

From April 25 to 27, 2012, over ninety brothers and sisters gathered together in Bangkok, Thailand, for a time of prayer and fellowship regarding the Lord’s move to Asia, many of which were full-timer serving ones in various countries. Responsible brothers from more than twenty countries also ­came to be blended in the Body for His building.

The main burden of this gathering was to see and enter into the reality of “The Growth, Multiplication and Building up of the Body of Christ as the Universal Divine-Human Incorporation.” In session after session, the Lord enlightened, revealed and spoke to us to bring us all into the same burden and goal. Through His perfecting, many shared and testified concerning the profit of coming together with no other agenda but to enter more deeply into the Lord’s heart’s desire for His economy. In the meetings as well as in other fellowship times, there was much exercise of the spirit in prayer to fully open ourselves to “see Jesus” and “hear Him” only. Six messages given at the conference along this burden are as follows:

Message 1 – The Universal Spread of the Body of Christ as the Divine-Human Incorporation

Message 2 – Speaking the Same Thing and Doing the One Work in the Consciousness of the One New Man

Message 3 – The New Jerusalem as the Ultimate Goal of God’s Eternal Economy

Message 4 – Coordinating in One Accord in the Move of God’s Economy

Message 5 – The Body of Christ as the Governing Principle of the Church, the Ministry, and the Work

Message 6 – The Fellowship and Supply of Material Riches in the Resurrection Life and Resurrection Power

In addition to the six messages, brothers from twelve countries—Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Iran, Kuwait, Laos, Lebanon, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, United Arab Emirates, and Vietnam—presented an update concerning the Lord’s move in their countries in the aspects of: 1) gospel, 2) literature, 3) conferences, 4) trainings, 5) blending, and 6) testimony. In nearly all the countries the propagation work had gained an increase and spread over the past six months. It was glorious to see that the universal vine tree is growing and bearing fruit for His corporate expression. Currently, there are more than 220 churches in these Asian countries with more than 10,000 saints. We are one with the Lord for His commission in going forth to the uttermost part of the earth to plant church trees in cities, towns and villages. This labor in one accord is for the growth, multiplication and building up of the Body of Christ. There was also a presentation on the mass distribution of free literatures given by the brothers serving with Rhema. Currently a number of ministry books have been translated into more than twenty languages. These are also being translated into a few additional languages so that more of the Lord’s seekers in Asia can get into and be constituted with the truth in His word.

We can all testify that the speaking in the Body and for the Body was timely, enlightening and supplying. In this conference, our vision was renewed and strengthened, and we are encouraged to walk in newness of life and serve in newness of spirit. Many consecrated themselves afresh to the Lord to hand over themselves and all that they have for His interest on the earth. We look to Him in the days ahead that He will continue to move as we learn to co-work with Him for His universal spread. Glory to God, Hallelujah!



Noah (Myanmar)

I feel this LMA fellowship in Bangkok was more intimate than the last time. It is very encouraging to hear of the Lord’s move in all the countries represented in the presentations. I was greatly refreshed and strengthened to continue to serve in the Body in the coming months. Specially, I was joyful to hear of His move in the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) countries in the Middle East. I do feel that the Lord will spread more and more throughout Asia through our oneness in fellowship and our serving together in the Body.

Lionel Kotuwila (Sri Lanka)

With regard to the LMA fellowship in Bangkok, I continue to be deeply impressed, as always, by the richness and experience we gained from such a fellowship. I have no doubt that such a coming together in oneness and in faith in the name of the Lord to be blended together, truly makes the saints feel the pulse of the Lord’s move in Asia. The messages were very timely and were indeed the Lord’s speaking. We are thankful to the Lord for such an arrangement and may the Lord richly bless our coordination in one accord to go on in an unhindered way. Amen.


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