Weekly Pursuit – Week 5 of October

Oct 31, 2017 by


Lev. 6:12 “And the fire on the altar shall be kept burning on it; it must not go out. And the priest shall burn wood on it every morning, and he shall lay the burnt offering in order upon it….”



The ashes, the result of the burnt offering, are a sign of God’s acceptance of the offering. Ashes indicate the result of Christ’s death, which brings us to an end, that is, to ashes. The putting of the ashes beside the altar toward the east, the side of the sunrise, is an allusion to resurrection. In relation to the burnt offering, the ashes are not the end, for Christ’s death brings in resurrection. God has a high regard for these ashes, for eventually the ashes will become the New Jerusalem. Our being reduced to ashes brings us into the transformation of the Triune God. In resurrection we as ashes are transformed to become precious materials—gold, pearl, and precious stones—for the building of the New Jerusalem. The priest’s burning wood on the altar every morning signifies the need of the serving one’s cooperation with God’s desire by adding more fuel to the holy fire to strengthen the burning for the receiving of the burnt offering as God’s food. The morning signifies a new start for the burning. (Lev. 6, footnotes)


[We] may feel that [We] will be very useful to God, but in the end [We] will be ashes. The result of our being a burnt offering will be something that carries out God’s New Testament economy. What we do must result in the building up of the Body of Christ, which is a miniature of the coming New Jerusalem. What we are doing is actually extraordinary, but to the worldly people it is nothing. To them what we are doing is ashes. However, God has a high regard for these ashes. Eventually these ashes will become the New Jerusalem. (Life-study of Leviticus, pp. 208, 211)

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